Earlier this month, four students from Cheadle Hulme High School (CHHS) attended the Royal Society of Chemistry‘s Chemquiz at Manchester Metropolitan University.

The Chemquiz is an annual competition for schools in Greater Manchester that has been running since 1987, and is sponsored by BASF.

The CHHS students competed in three rounds against 18 other teams.

The first round saw them taking part in a lab-based practical activity and writing a lab report.

The next round had a demonstration which included explosions that students answered questions about.

The final round was a quiz which included a variety of challenges such as dingbats, anagrams and puzzles.

Team CHHS rose to the challenge in all three rounds, displaying fantastic subject knowledge and excellent teamwork.

The judges were so impressed by how well they worked together that they were awarded the Kathryn Oliver Leonard Teamwork Trophy!

Four Cheadle Hulme High School students stand outside smiling and holding their Kathryn Oliver Leonard Teamwork trophies, earned from the Chemquiz

The team of CHHS students proudly holding their Kathryn Oliver Leonard Teamwork trophies.

They were particularly commended for how well they worked in the lab activity.

Each student came away with their own trophy, as well as some goodies including a water bottle and tote bag.

The items received by the Cheadle Hulme High School students who competed in the Chemquiz. These are: A BASF red water bottle, a book about Chemistry, a BASF tote bag, and a Royal Society of Chemistry trophy.

The team came home with BASF water bottles and tote bags, Chemistry books, and Royal Society of Chemistry trophies.


With this being their first time working together, to achieve a teamwork award is a fantastic feat and a credit to their hard work.

Congratulations Team CHHS!