
Absence Procedure

If your child is to be absent for any reason, please text school, before 8.30am where possible, using the following (in order of preference):

07860 054396
MCAS MyChildAt School app

In respect of communication, we will be using the MCAS messaging option to inform parents/carers of events in school. You will need to login to the My Child at School system to make sure you are not missing important messages from school.


Illness and absence from school

Low attendance procedures

In line with Department of Education guidance, students’ attendance levels above 90%. If CHHS has reason to believe your child is absent without are expected to be a genuine reason, further action could be taken in line with our Attendance Policy.

  • We regularly inform parents/carers of any attendance concerns during the school year.
  • Conduct formal interviews for students whose attendance is below expected levels.
  • Authorise EPNs (Education Penalty Notices).
  • Liaise with EWS (Education Welfare Service).
Keeping your child in school

If your There child is is away from school for any reason it will have an impact on their learning. a link between poor attendance and low levels of achievement. This can have an impact on the sort of job your child could get and the amount of money they can earn in a lifetime.

As a parent it is natural to want the best f they are ill. or your child and so you want to take care of them when However, we know that sometimes parents keep their children away from school when they do not need to.

Medical appointment absence

Three days’ absence in a month due to illness would mean your child may be counted as a persistent absentee. If your child is ill and you are unsure whether they could be in school please ring and talk this through with a member of staff. Medical appointments should be made outside of school hours or during possible.

First aid

Mrs Foley is our dedicated First Aider in school. The First Aid room is manned from 9am each day. Many other staff in school are also first aid trained including all of our Heads of Year. We encourage you to send your child into school with minor ailments such as headaches, tummy aches, coughs, colds etc. Should your child deteriorate throughout the school day our First Aider will contact you to arrange for your child to be collected from school.

Students must never contact home regarding illness; they must always see our First Aider or their Head of Year. The student must always sign out at the Student Reception before leaving school with the parent/carer. At CHHS we compile a list of students which details all emergency medical conditions that we have been made aware of. This is regularly updated and distributed to all members of staff.